It's a party!

It's a party!

#Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Posted on 26th July 2012 by Media Relations

Recently two of our female Meerkats, Akiki and Mwali, celebrated their 1st Birthday. Over 45 people came to witness their birthday celebration where they were given a two-storey, papier-mâché manor, complete with chimney and filled with shredded paper.  Their birthday treat was a layered frozen fruit masterpiece which they shared with the rest of the family.It is very exciting to celebrate Akiki and Mwali's Birthday, as their birth marked the first Meerkat litter at Taronga Western Plains Zoo since 2004. The two pups, born to mother Umi and father Mapoto, have been looked after by the group and have grown up healthy and strong, having reached their full size.To celebrate their Birthday, the crowd enthusiastically sang them Happy Birthday, however the Meerkat family where busily jumping in and out of the Meerkat manor’s windows and catching the crickets that were placed inside. Akiki and Mwali relaxed after the party by basking in the warm winter sun with their family.If you'd like to learn more about the Meerkats, you can hear one of our experienced keepers talk about this unique species at the Meerkat Talk, which is held at 9:50am each day.  Keeper, Karen Ellis Akiki and Mwali celebrate their 1st birthday!