NJ grows slow and steady

NJ grows slow and steady

#Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Posted on 25th October 2013 by Media Relations

NJ the Galapagos Tortoise hatchling has been growing steadily over past three years. At birth NJ weighed less than 90 grams and now weighs 730 grams, but it is still a long way to go for NJ before it reaches adult weight of around 200 – 300kgs!

NJ is now about 13cm long and is more active, exploring every inch of the enclosure. NJ likes walking up the wall on its back legs and keepers say that NJ will often stick its head out when their keys rattle at the gate.

NJ is definitely more aware of its surroundings the more it grows and enjoys eating, drinking, relaxing in the sun and clambering up and down rocks. NJ is a very food motivated Galapagos Tortoise and will eat everything the keepers offer him except Kurrajong leaves! Perhaps they are like what Brussels sprouts are to most children....yuck! NJ particularly likes Chinese Elm, Mulberry leaves, roses, hibiscus flowers and fruit and vegetables.