Make a pledge this Plastic-Free July

Make a pledge this Plastic-Free July

#Sustainability, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Posted on 02nd July 2018 by Media Relations

The word ‘plastic’ comes with many negative associations, and with good reason. Plastic is such a problem because it takes thousands of years for plastic to degrade, and every piece of plastic ever made still exists somewhere today!

Plastic Free July, is a month long challenge designed to reduce the amount of waste each of us contribute to the environment; from plastic bottles and bags, to plastic packaging and plastic straws. And the best thing about Plastic Free July is that it is a self-directed challenge, meaning that each person can choose a goal they think they are capable of.

It is estimated that Australians alone used 9.7 billion single-use plastic bags every year. Plastic bags are typically one of the worst contributors to pollution in the oceans as they are often mistaken for jellyfish, and eaten by turtles, seabirds and other marine wildlife.

Thankfully, there is a silver lining among this polluted chaos! The world is finally gaining momentum in the name of reducing plastic and harmful waste from the environment; and this month you too can make a difference.

Get on board this July and make a pledge, because the path to better environment starts with YOU!

    Plastic-Free July
    Plastic-Free July

    There are a number of ways you can reduce your plastic consumption this month:

    1. Take your reusable bags shopping. This simple act makes such a huge difference in the environment.
    2. Use a reusable cup for takeaway drinks instead of purchasing single use plastic bottles or coffee cups.
    3. Swap cling-wrap for a re-usable microwave safe dish with a lid; or try using beeswax wraps.
    4. Refuse plastic straws, or carry a reusable straw
    5. Don’t use plastic plates and cutlery
    6. Refuse plastic produce bags at the supermarket, fruit and vegetables are in their own protective skin!
    7. Try buying shampoos, moisturisers and perfumes which use natural ingredients; and where possible, opt for a bar of soap over a plastic bottle.
    8. Buy in bulk, and be sure to get refills rather than buying complete products every time
    9. Every change you make will have a positive impact on the environment!