World Meerkat Day is born

World Meerkat Day is born

#International Days, #Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Posted on 03rd July 2018 by Media Relations

Meerkats are one of the most popular animals at Taronga Western Plains Zoo and today even more so as World Meerkat Day is held for the first time.

Zoo keeper Karen James works very closely with the Meerkats at Dubbo, and she was the driving force behind starting World Meerkat Day.

"This is a great opportunity to engage visitors, educate and increase appreciation of the species,” said Karen.

She believes the social dynamics of these fluffy, grub eating little mammals are incredible as they have very strict breeding rules, and have duties that benefit their whole family, such as ‘sentry duty’.

“The social dynamics of the Meerkats is amazing and so interesting its what has made them such a thriving species in the wild,” said Karen.

On this day of celebration, the Zoo is holding a colouring competition for the kids, with various goodies to be won from the Zoo shop. The Zoo is also encouraging ‘Sentry Selfies’.

“It would be really awesome if visitors to the zoo, or even people at home could get creative with some selfies of them on sentry duty,” said Karen. This is were a Meerkat stand tall and keeps watch for predators.

You can join the fun these school holidays with the World Meerkat Day colouring competition which will close Wednesday 11 July 2018, and a winner being chosen and notified on Monday 16 July 2018.

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