Father and Son show May Birthday Differences

Father and Son show May Birthday Differences

#Taronga Zoo Sydney

Posted on 29th May 2012 by Media Relations

They may have both been born in May only one day apart but there’s many years in age difference and wisdom.Fataki whose name means "fireworks" in Swahili is certainly living up to his name.  He is full of energy and is becoming a very rambunctious young blackback, pushing the boundaries with a lot of the members in the gorilla family even pushing Kibabu over the edge some days. Fataki celebrated his 9th Birthday on 24th May and like any other day he was up to his antics. Although it was raining he still enjoyed running amuck with his younger brother, Fuzu, and sharing in a play fight or two.  Fataki is certainly growing up fast...While his father, Kibabu was 35 this May, like any adult the 220 kg silverback enjoyed his straw bed and sleeping in the front room of the gorilla exhibit. Kibabu is in his prime so flying under the radar and just watching over his family is all that this gentle giant wanted.  But for both males there was a bit of extra special attention from keepers who gave them with a lot of extra branches, smears of vegemite, some primate food balls and not to mention an exhibit filled with new mulch which got the senses going.Happy birthday gorillas...Gorilla Keeper, Lisa