Red-eyed wonders continue to grow

Red-eyed wonders continue to grow

#Taronga Zoo Sydney

Posted on 20th March 2014 by Media Relations

The past month has been an eventful one for Taronga’s Herpetofauna department, with our group of young Red-Eyed Tree Frogs growing bigger and bigger by the day!

This is the first time this species has been bred at Taronga Zoo and, as they grow, they are becoming more lime-green and their eyes are developing a red flush colour.

Meanwhile our two juvenile Komodo Dragons have unfortunately had to be separated due to a bit of rough (but natural) sibling rivalry.

They are both progressing really well now and are keeping up with their conditioning and target feeding, showing the potential to be gentle giants.

As the Sydney climate starts to cool, many of our reptiles are making the most of the remaining warmer weather and feeding up before it becomes too cool to digest food.

Each of our Red-Bellied Black Snakes, for example, are all scoffing down a couple of mice each week before they cool down and lose their appetite between May and September, as they do each year.

- Keeper, Chris Dryburgh