Ripley Takes Flight!

Ripley Takes Flight!

" ismacro="true" onresizestart="return false;" umbversionid="b7079a69-3054-4a36-a570-db4c0a079ee2" umbpageid="4713" title="This is rendered content from a macro" class="umbMacroHolder mceNonEditable" contenteditable="false">This macro does not provides rendering in WYSIWYG editorRipley the Barking Owl is now 12 weeks old and has already started free fly training for the QBE Free Flight Bird Show. The owl has been flying from glove to glove between trainers Felicity and Erin in the dappled sunlight on the path from Meerkats to the Bird Show. The training starts off with short distances then stretches into long flights. So far training has been a huge success. Ripley has a lot of confidence and will soon be one of the stars of the show. Ripley could have audience heads ducking for cover by February 2010. By Bird Show Trainer Erin.