Today for the first time Taronga is celebrating Sustainable Seafood Day!

Today for the first time Taronga is celebrating Sustainable Seafood Day!

We’re trying to encourage people to eat seafood that is caught in a sustainable manner.Our seal shows focus on the natural history of seals and what we can do to help them survive the pressures they face in the wild from pollution, humans and overfishing.Overfishing is an ever-growing problem for seals and many other marine animals so at every keeper talk and seal show in our Great Southern Oceans exhibit us keepers will be handing out sustainable seafood guides. These credit card-sized booklets highlight what seafood we can eat without hurting our oceans and what fish we should avoid eating.We will also be handing out information sheets about Sustainable Seafood Day created by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The Marine Stewardship Council certifies and rewards well-managed fisheries by labelling their products with a blue tick that acknowledges this seafood is sustainable.This is the tick you should be looking for!There are about 60 products on Australian supermarket shelves that have the MSC tick, so keep an eye out for them.