Help save a species.
Due to illegal habitat destruction and poaching the tiger’s population has seen a sharp decline.
Even with the amazing birth of Taronga’s triplets, Pemanah, Tengah and Mawar, the species survival still remains at risk. Their arrival represents just 1% of the entire population left in the world.
By helping our Tigers today you can help protect their wild cousins and save a species.
Why are the numbers declining?
Two years ago there were an estimated 400 Sumatran Tigers left in the wild. In 2 short years, the most recent estimated number is 350.
Of these those left, only 50 are breeding pairs. That is why the birth of Pemanah, Tengah and Mawar is so important.
Illegal deforestation and poaching has had a huge impact on the species survival. One of the largest in-tact Sumatra Tiger habitats, the Way Kambas National Park, is in desperate need of further protection.
"At least a third of the national park land has been significantly degraded by people using it for farming and agriculture.
But there is also an area of really good habitat, which is where you find Sumatran Tiger and rhino and a whole suite of other species. The big challenge there is to keep up monitoring and protection against poaching."
- Andrew Elphinstone, Manager of Conservation, Taronga Conservation Society Australia
All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible for Australian residents.

Taronga's cubs
On 17 January 2019, Taronga welcomed the arrival of three rare Sumatran Tigers cubs. Mum Kartika gave birth to cubs Pemanah (male), Mawar and Tengah Malam (females).
These rare cubs represent everything that’s possible in animal conservation, and everything that needs to be done.
The cubs are part of Taronga’s ‘insurance population’ breeding program which ensures the species against extinction.
Our cubs are now two and half years old and are not so little.
Mawar (meaning Rose in Indonesian) is the most active of the three – she’s playful and inquisitive. Her sister Tengah (meaning Midnight) is more calm and reserved. And Pemanah (meaning Archer) loves to explore and play.

Making a difference
Protecting the Sumatran Tigers against habitat loss and poaching is imperative.
With your help, Taronga is working towards reducing the demand for forest products such as palm oil. You are also helping local communities find or create an alternative source of income in an effort to further reduce the destruction of the tiger habitat.
With your kind and generous gift today we can continue our insurance population breeding program, help equip the rangers protecting the tigers against poachers and work towards restoring some of the last in-tact Sumatran Tiger habitat.
Donate today to help stop them from sliding further toward extinction.