S4 E2: Lwazi's new family
In the second episode of Who's Who in the Zoo we are throwing it back to when male lion Lwazi met lioness Marion at Taronga Western Plains Zoo and how exactly you get two strangers to get along like one big happy pride.
One of the cheekiest members of Taronga Zoo's gorilla troop MJ receives his first health check and while at the time he was only 44kg he is already much strong than an adult human.
We are also given an update on Taronga's Fiordland breeding program with the arrival of a new male all the way from New Zeland named Ed.
And back at Taronga Western Plains Zoo the team are facing a couple of political issues with their Tassie devil group and need to find a solution, but what will that be?
Air date: Wednesday 30th of November at 7.30pm on Channel 9.

Episode update
Did you catch episode 2 of Who's Who In The Zoo?
Did you catch the series return of Taronga: Who's Who in the Zoo? In case you missed the news we had close to half a million viewers tune into watch the episode.
On this weeks episode we head to Taronga Western Plains Zoo as we revisit a time when male lion Lwazi met lioness Marion and started their very own pride Alisa Wallace, Megan Lewis, Melanie Friedman.
Also, Joanne Walker gives us an update on Taronga's Fiorland Crested Penguin breeding program with the arrival of new member named Ed.
MJ, the cheekiest member of Taronga's gorilla troop recieves his very first health check Larry Vogelnest, Natalie Dunn, Rebecca Lambert, Liz Arthur, Felicity Evans. And Tasmanian Devil Bronte makes the move to the big smoke after a couple of issues with the devils out in Dubbo Lou Todd, Melissa Retamales, Robert Dockerill.
Tune in now to hear more.
Visit us at Taronga
Come to Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo and to see all our amazing animals up close.