Posted on 09th March 2015 by Media Relations
Last week Taronga took a giant step for environment with the help of our partners, Woolworths - we announced our first-ever involvement in a carbon offset project.
It was a great moment for me on behalf of the Zoo to announce the sponsorship funding we received from Woolworths from the incredibly successful Super Animal Wildlife Collectibles swap cards will support Project Urisino, near Wanaaring in Western NSW.
Project Urisino, Australia’s largest carbon offset revegetation project, is working to resort over 800 square kilometres of degraded grazing land.
Taronga and Woolworths’ contribution will offset the carbon emission from the production of the Super Animal cards and albums and save 4761 tonnes of carbon.
Besides our partners, including the Climate Friendly Organisation which runs Project Urisino, there were lots of Aussie animals at the announcement including Gina, the stunning Wedgetail Eagle, Kalaya the emu, mischievous echidnas and Penny the Red Kangaroo and Ferris the Carpet Python.
They represented the animals from Western NSW which will benefit most from Project Urisino’s work.
Karen Madden, Woolworths Head of Properties, Sponsorship & Events told everyone at the event at our Education Centre: “Woolworths is delighted that the funds we contributed through the Super Animals Program is going to help in our own backyard and help educate Aussie kids about our amazing wildlife”.
By returning this land, which was once owned by Sir Sydney Kidman, the renowned pastoralist, to health, we’re not only improving the environment and helping to fight climate change but helping to provide a better environment for our remarkable Australian wildlife.
It’s a wonderful thing that Australian students had fun learning about Australian Wildlife and at the same time helped save the planet and wild animals.
The partnership between Taronga and Woolworths is also helping to funding sea turtle tracking and marine research like the new project operated by Taronga and Macquarie University to learn more about the Port Jackson Shark, something I’ll have more exciting news on in coming months
Cameron Kerr - Executive Director