Year 12 Depth Study: Heredity and Genetic Change

Year 12 Depth Study: Heredity and Genetic Change


On this Depth Study day, students will engage with Taronga’s scientists and experts to deepen their understanding Taronga's conservation breeding programs precision required to maximise success and diversity of breeding populations.

The Taronga Conservations Science Team works with a range of species, many of which are reliant on human intervention for the maintenance of their population. Through specific coordination with Zookeepers and other trained staff, it is hoped that many of these threatened species will be able to survive for generations to come.

What's involved

This full day program is available at Taronga Zoo Sydney. See below for further information.

This excursion will contribute five hours to a depth study and can be complimented by pre and post Zoo visit activities.



Bookings for 2025 open up Week 1 Term 4. 

  • 6/3/2025
  • 13/11/2025 (TBC)

At the Zoo

The formal part of the day will go for about 2.5 hours where students will learn from experts about:

- The coordination of breeding programs for zoo-based populations.
- Maximizing the genetic variation within species.
- The Methodology used to collect data on the genetics of wild and zoo-based populations.
- Breeding techniques used to ensure the continuity of endangered species.

Following this, students will have time to explore and observe animals they may wish to research for a case study.


  • BIO11/12-1: develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation
  • BIO11/12-4: selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of appropriate media
  • BIO11/12-5: analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information
  • BIO11/12-7: communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose
  • BIO12-12: explains the structures of DNA and analyses the mechanisms of inheritance and how processes of reproduction ensure continuity of species
  • BIO12-13: explains natural genetic change and the use of genetic technologies to induce genetic change

Heredity and Genetic Change is a Depth Study available to Year 12 students.

The program can be booked online and is subject to availability.

Adam Skidmore Bellinger River Turtle eggs
Adam Skidmore Bellinger River Turtle eggs
Northern Booroolong Frog Sperm
Northern Booroolong Frog Sperm
Little Penguins at Great Southern Oeans
Little Penguins at Great Southern Oeans
Yellow-spotted Bell Frog Sperm Collection
Yellow-spotted Bell Frog Sperm Collection
Little Penguins at Great Southern Oceans
Little Penguins at Great Southern Oceans
Asian Elephant
Asian Elephant