Education booking costs

Education booking costs

View the pricing information on excursions to Taronga Zoo Sydney for schools, vacation care groups, the ZooSnooz overnight program and the Twilight Safari evening program.

The below pricing information is for Taronga Zoo Sydney only

You can also view pricing for excursions to Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo separately.

The below prices are relevant from 1 January 2025. 

For schools

Booking typeCost per student
NSW Government School
In recognition of the long-term partnership between TSCA and the Department of Education, NSW School Excursion bookings are subsidised.
Students (K-12) – Zoo entry only (self-guided)$15.50
Students (K-12) – Zoo entry and workshop$19.50
Students - Full day programs

(Meet a Keeper, Litter Free Oceans, Wildlife at Risk, Observing Animal Behaviour)
Students - Full day programs - Biological Diversity$26.00
Students - Full day programs - Tourism: An Economic Activity$25.50
Non - NSW Government School
Students (K-12) – Zoo entry only (self-guided)$17.50
Students (K-12) – Zoo entry and workshop$22.50
Students - Full day programs
(Meet a Keeper, Litter Free Oceans, Wildlife at Risk, Observing Animal Behaviour)

Students - Full day programs

(Biological Diversity, Tourism: An Economic Activity)

Supervising adults - 1 per 5 studentsFREE
Supervising adults - additional$36.50
International Schools – contact us for pricing optionsfrom $26.45

*Wild Ropes will reopen in early 2024. 

**All cancellations must be notified in writing to as soon as possible. 

For Vacation Care groups

Booking typeCost per student
Vacation care - Zoo entry only (self-guided)$20.00
Supervising adults - 1 per 5 studentsFREE
Supervising adults - additional$36.50

*Vacation Care includes School Holidays Care, Preschool, Kindergarten, Early Education, out of School Hours Care.

**All cancellations must be notified in writing to as soon as possible.  

ZooSnooz - overnight program

Booking typeCost

Per student

Minimum of 12 students needed to book.

Supervising adults - 1 per 10 studentsFREE
Supervising adults - additional*$140.00 per adult
Non-refundable deposit$1,000.00
Cancellation fee - within 30 days of visit**$1,000.00 deposit
Cancellation fee - within 48 hours of visit**100% of total cost
Bookings that reduce their student numbers by more than 20% from their original booking number or your second site becomes available will incur a fee. Please confirm numbers at time of booking. $1000

*Extra adult numbers must be negotiated at the time of booking.

**All cancellations must be notified in writing to as soon as possible. 

Twilight Safari - evening program

Booking typeCost
Students (minimum 25)From $45.00
Catering surcharge - groups under 40 students$200.00
Supervising adults - 1 per 10 studentsFREE
Supervising adults - additional*$45.00 per adult
Cancellation fee - within 14 days of visit**$500.00
Cancellation fee - within 48 hours of visit**100% of total cost

*Extra adult numbers must be negotiated at the time of booking. 

**All cancellations must be notified in writing to as soon as possible.