“Mufasa: The Lion King” enlists Rafiki to relay the legend of the unlikely rise of the beloved king of the Pride Lands, introducing an orphaned cub called Mufasa, a sympathetic lion named Taka – the heir to a royal bloodline – and their expansive journey alongside an extraordinary group of misfits.
Prizes to be won
From now until Sunday 19 January, head into the Zoo to follow the Mufasa: The Lion King Trail. Journey around the Zoo to find all the characters from Mufasa: The Lion King and to discover animals of the African Savannah.
- Complete the trail, follow the QR code on the trail sign or kid’s map, and enter the Competition Words, to double your chances of winning a selection of amazing prizes
- Can’t make the trail, don’t worry you can still enter below to win;
1 x Minor Prize, each including;
- 1 x overnight stay to Taronga Sydney’s Roar and Snore for the family
- 2 x Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King prize pack, including a cap, drink cup, blanket, notebook & gold pen set, bracelet and more
- 2 x in-season double passes to see Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King in cinemas
5 x First Runner-up prizes, each including:
- 1 x Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King prize pack, including a cap, drink cup, blanket, notebook & gold pen set, bracelet and more
- 1 x in-season double passes to see Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King in cinemas
- 1 x double pass to Taronga Zoo
33 x Second Runner-ups, each including:
- 1 x in-season double passes to see Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King in cinemas
Minor Prize, First Runner-up, and Second Runner-up prizes applicable for entries received between 9am Friday 22 November 2024 and 5pm Sunday 19 January 2024
Bring your pride to meet ours!
The wise and noble King of the Pridelands. Mufasa is a determined, honest and powerful leader with a deep love for his family and kingdom. Majestic and powerful African Lions are the only big cats that live and hunt together in social groups called prides. An extraordinary system for survival in a world full of enemies. A pride may include up to three males, a dozen or so related females and their young. Males play an important role patrolling, marking, and guarding their pride’s territory.
Bring your pride to meet ours! Taronga’s full Lion pride including Mum, Maya, Dad, Ato and five cubs Khari, Luzuko, Malika, Zuri and Ayanna can be seen altogether in the African Savannah exhibit.
Meet our Meerkats
While you’re at the Zoo, why not pay a visit to our mob of Meerkats. Meerkats live in large groups of up to 50 individuals called a mob. There’s not just safety in numbers – there’s companionship. A meerkat mob is made up of several family groups, with one dominant pair. But meerkats don’t have to be related to belong to the same group. Meerkat mobs spend a lot of their time grooming and playing together to keep the family unit tight. This existence helps meerkats survive.