Dr Benn Bryant

Dr Benn Bryant

Dr Benn Bryant BVSc, MVS, MANZCVSc

Senior Veterinarian 

Dr Benn Bryant graduated from Sydney University in 1988, and earned a Masters degree in Zoo Animal Medicine and Husbandry in 2000.  

He was admitted to the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists by examination in Zoo Animal Medicine in 2010, and has been working exclusively as a wildlife veterinarian for 20 years.

Benn was appointed Senior Veterinarian at Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo (TWPZ) in 2002. At TWPZ he is responsible for the health management of an extensive collection of zoo-based wildlife, including three species of rhinoceros being managed in international cooperative breeding programs. He has extensive experience with the transfer of rhinoceros between institutions by road and air including several greater one-horned rhinoceros from the USA to Australia and a group of seven white rhinoceros from South Africa to Australia.

Benn has authored and co-authored numerous papers concerning rhinoceros veterinary medicine in peer-reviewed journals and is a veterinary co-advisor to the AZA Rhinoceros TAG research council. He is currently the Primary Veterinary Advisor to the Zoos and Aquaria Australia’s (ZAA) ungulate taxon advisory group.

Benn has been a veterinary consultant to the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) in Indonesia since 2007. He has travelled to the SRS on numerous occasions to provide emergency veterinary support to the resident Sumatran rhinoceroses.