Dr Karrie Rose DVM, DVSc
Veterinary Pathology Registrar
Dr. Karrie Rose enjoys a multi-faceted role in wildlife health research, education, and disease investigation as manager of the Australian Registry of Wildlife Health, a program of Taronga Conservation Society Australia. Following in the auspicious footsteps of Registry Founder, Dr. Bill Hartley, Karrie provides diagnostic services, data and advice regarding wildlife health to a broad range of stakeholders including wildlife managers, zoo veterinarians, conservation programs, government and non-government agencies.
Karrie’s research focuses on the application of an ecological approach to identify and understand pathogens at the interface of animal, human and environmental health. Investigations into disease outbreaks and population declines in wildlife often transform into collaborative research projects leading to the characterisation of emerging pathogens.
Karrie first became interested in working with wildlife while conducting field research and population studies with Ferruginous Hawks and Burrowing Owls during university summer breaks. Further employment within the wildlife rehabilitation and pathology programs of Calgary Zoo cemented her commitment to the study of wildlife health.
Shortly after graduating with the faculty gold medal from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, in Saskatoon, Karrie pursued a 3 year residency at the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo. This residency was completed in conjunction with a Doctor of Veterinary Science Degree in Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine and Pathology at the Ontario Veterinary College.
Since 1998, Karrie has been employed at Taronga as a veterinary pathologist and manager of the Registry.
Karrie’s career highlights include:
Leading multi-disciplinary teams to characterise novel viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites
Providing diagnostic and wildlife health support services to state and commonwealth agencies top support science-based wildlife conservation management
Investigating species declines and extinctions on Christmas Island and Australia’s mainland
Delivering intensive graduate level short courses in Wildlife Pathology,
Receiving a distinguished alumnus award from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (one of nine awarded in the college’s 50 year history).
Growing the Registry from a discretionary activity to a well recognised research and conservation program of Taronga
Making the Registry’s data and assets accessible through a web-based, spatial information management and eResearch environment.