Dr Michelle Campbell BSc, BVSc (Hons), MANZCVS, DZooMed, MRCVS
Veterinary Officer
Michelle Campbell is a graduate of the University of Sydney with degrees in both zoology and veterinary science. Following graduation she worked in mixed veterinary practice for several years and became involved in nutrition and conservation research projects in Australia, Peru and Russia. In 2004 she took up a post with the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Zoo and a number of smaller Scottish zoos – initially as a Resident and subsequently as Lecturer in rabbit, exotic animal and wildlife medicine and Manager of the Exotic Animal and Wildlife Clinic.
Michelle has extensive experience in first opinion and referral wildlife medicine and surgery, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and clinical research. Michelle was awarded the RCVS Certificate in Zoological Medicine in 2005 and the Diploma in Zoological Medicine in 2007, becoming an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine the following year.
Michelle returned to Australia in November 2008 to take up the post of Veterinary Officer at Taronga Western Plains Zoo. She is the Primary Veterinary Advisor of the ZAA VetSAG Nutrition Group, the Secretary/Treasurer of the ANZCVS Zoo and Wildlife Medicine chapter, a consultant for the Veterinary Information Network and a veterinary advisor for Conservation South Luangwa in Zambia. Michelle is a contributing author, editor and reviewer for a range of veterinary textbooks and scientific journals. She has a wide range of interests including animal welfare and ethics, comparative gastroenterology and enteric microbiology, zoo and wild animal nutrition, paediatrics and conservation medicine. Michelle is a member of Taronga’s Green Team and a veterinary representative on the Animal Care and Ethics Committee.