Mr Andrew Elphinstone BSc (Env), MEnv
Director of Welfare, Conservation and Science
Andrew is a leading conservationist who has worked in threatened species recovery, translocation, rewilding and restoration programs for more than 15 years and brings a progressive and innovative outlook to traditional conservation.
Much of his career has centred on threatened species recovery, and has evolved to focus on largescale, ground-up restoration of critically endangered ecological communities, Andrew has experience with a diverse array of Australian fauna and landscapes and is an advisor to more than eight national threatened species recovery teams and expert advisory panels. Andrew joined Taronga in 2016 where he leads Taronga conservation portfolio consisting of 16 native Threatened Species Recovery Programs and more than 30 international conservation partnerships.
In his time with Taronga, Andrew has spearheaded the establishment of a 110ha predator-proof Sanctuary at Taronga Western Plains Zoo dedicated to breeding threatened species for reintroduction to protected wild sites, led Taronga’s role in the return of Greater Bilbies to Sturt National Park for the first time in 100 years, and overseen a 200% increase in Taronga’s direct annual conservation investment.
Combining his expertise in habitat restoration and threatened species management with a passion for furthering conservation outcomes through innovation, Andrew was the instigator of Taronga Habitat Positive.
Taronga Habitat Positive is a new, multimillion dollar venture which will see Taronga rewild critically endangered Box Gum Woodlands across NSW and generate unique and high integrity Australian Carbon Credit Units with multi-layered value and benefits, leading Taronga's decisive, proactive action to contribute to a Nature Positive future as defined by ‘The Nature Positive Initiative’.