Episode overview
Season 3, episode 2: Gorilla health check and Giraffe pedicure
Taronga's Wildlife Hospital not only sees and treats over 1,500 wildlife hospital cases every year but they are also responsible for maintaining the health of over the 4,500 animals who call Taronga Zoo Sydney home. In this episode, Taronga's youngest member of the Gorilla Troop Fakiri and her mum Frala are given a health check which is quite literally all hands on deck that both the Primate Team and Taronga Wildlife Hospital teams who have both been preparing for months for this operation.
Also in this episode, keeper Jimmy gives us an insight into just how you perform a pedicure on the planet's largest land mammal the mighty giraffe. And down at Free Flight Birds Keeper Bridgette, traditionally from Taronga's sister zoo Taronga Western Plains, Dubbo keeper Bridgette debuts her first Free Flight Birds presentation where she presents to hundreds of Taronga's guests - but the catch is she only has three weeks to prepare before her first performance.
Air date: Friday 14th of October at 7.30pm on Channel Nine.

An update on Taronga's tallest resident Jimmyu
Did you catch tonight's episode of Taronga: Who's Who In The Zoo? If you did you would have seen just how Taronga's tallest resident Jimmyu has been progressing in training to allow our keepers to work comfortably on his hoofs!
Believe it or not, Jimmyu has actually progressed even further and is now working with our wonderful
Ungulate Keepers to be able to present his hoof for an x-ray! Tune in now to hear more from Ungulate Keeper Jimmy in the video below!
Visit our tallest resident
Come to Taronga Zoo Sydney and make your way to the Savannah Precinct to see Jimmyu up close.