S4 E7: A Perfect Storm
In a heartfelt goodbye, Taronga marine keepers bid farewell to 5-year-old Australian Sea Lion, 'Moby,' as he swaps places with another sea lion at a marine park 6 hours north of Sydney an exchange that aims to enhance genetic diversity at both zoos. No time for melancholy, though, as the perfect 'Storm' takes center stage.
Meanwhile, at the Taronga Wildlife hospital, Vet Kimberley plays detective with a limping and unwell wild koala. X-rays reveal no issues with the back legs, but further investigation is on the horizon. While elephants showcase their intelligence, there's one thing that never fails to have them trumpeting in delight and rolling on the ground – a top-notch mud bath!
Over in the red panda habitat, Keeper Georgia is pioneering a technique for ultrasounds on all red pandas without anesthesia or leaving their enclosure. The zoo is abuzz with activity and innovation!
Air date: Wednesday 3rd of January at 7.30pm on Channel 9.

Episode follow up
Episode 7 of Taronga: Who Who's in the Zoo covered the arrival of Australian Sea Lion - Storm.
Tune in for a special update from Marine Keeper Ang as she spills the details on how Storm is adjusting after the grand move.
Visit us at Taronga
Come to Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo and to see all our amazing animals up close.