Beaming Tasmanian Devils to the Arctic Circle

Beaming Tasmanian Devils to the Arctic Circle

#Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

Posted on 19th May 2011 by Media Relations

Today was an exciting day for the Zoo’s Education Centre as we were able to talk to school students in Alaska about Tasmanian Devils and the Zoo’s participation in the regional conservation program via satellite video conferencing.

A Keeper and Reproductive biologist from the Zoo presented a lesson about Tasmanian Devils to students from Delroy High School and Peak Hill Central School along with the schools in Alaska.  Students able to see a real Devil behind the scenes as well as footage of Tasmanian Devil activity in their exhibit at the Zoo and ask questions in this interactive session.

Being able to provide this educational experience for students on the other side of the world is a amazing leap for the Zoo’s Education Centre which hopes to expand the lessons via video conferencing to other schools so that students across Australia and the world can learn about our wildlife and the importance of conservation. Kim, Education Centre

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