Cheeky Keo-co

Cheeky Keo-co

#Taronga Zoo Sydney

Posted on 30th May 2011 by Media Relations

François Leaf-monkey Keo-co was born in late January. Since this time he has grown up fast.

Lately keepers have observed the monkey’s bright orange hair and pink face beginning to turning black, a sign that this cute youngster is growing up! He is the first of his kind to be parent-raised in the country and is developing a reputation for being cheeky.

Keo-co loves testing the patience of both his keepers and family with some of his favourite activities being somersaulting across the ground (and sometimes nearby family members!) and playing on branches suspended over water and rock ledges. He has even been seen hanging from his mother’s tail. His name is Vietnamese for a game of tug-of-war.

He’s proving to everyone that he’s growing up, venturing further and further away from mum and exploring the giant fig trees, with his “cool” aunt Meili. Meili seems to be particularly tolerant of the orange ball of fur that jumps onto her at great speed and pulls at her face and hair! Francois Langurs can suckle for up to two years, but Keo-Co appears determined to master solid food early by drinking less milk and grabbing at food and putting everything in his mouth!

- Shannon Parker, Primate Keeper