Everybody’s Shuffling!

Everybody’s Shuffling!

#Taronga Zoo Sydney

Posted on 30th January 2012 by Media Relations

Our young condor chick has begun to be more mobile these days. In preparation for her big move from her condor crèche to  aviary life, she has been having forays out into the big wide world. At two months of age and weighing over three kilos she is rapidly outgrowing her temporary home so she has begun to spend  days in an outdoor aviary where she can feel the wind through her down and feel the sun, or rain more recently.  Her appetite has also increased immensely and she has recently graduated to eating full sized rats! This little bundle of fluff brings the total population of Andean Condors in Australia to five, including her parents Bruce & Connie, Big sister Leslie who is one of the stars in the QBE Free-Flight Bird Show, and brother Inti (Now known as “Chief”) who can be seen at Australia Zoo in Queensland.  Our hope is that this latest addition will join Leslie as an ambassador for the species as she unfurls her three metre wingspan over audiences at the Bird Show.