Year 12 Program: Tourism An Economic Activity

Year 12 Program: Tourism An Economic Activity


This program is a partnership between Observatory Hill EEC and Taronga Zoo Sydney Education Centre and focuses on the Stage 6 Geography topic 'People and Economic Activity'.

What's involved

This program will continue to run and will be made available at Taronga Zoo Sydney or via video conference.

Bookings will continue to be made via the Observatory Hill website.

Program dates:

  • Thursday 21st March 2024
  • Thursday 9th May 2024
  • Thursday 23rd of may 2024
  • Thursday 20th June 2024
  • Thursday 5th September 2024 

    This program involves: 

    • An introductory presentation on the global tourism industry, including an explanation of the factors which explain the location, spatial patterns and future directions of the tourism industry 
    • A case study of Taronga Zoo Sydney as an example of an Economic Enterprise within the Tourism Industry. Taronga educators will provide information on the nature of the Zoo as an economic enterprise, ecological dimensions (including impacts on the environment and ecological sustainability), linkages and flows of people, goods, services and ideas, and the effects of global changes on the Zoo’s operations 
    • A presentation about the ‘behind the scenes’ of Taronga Zoo Sydney to learn about aspects of the Zoo’s operations, particularly its initiatives to reduce ecological impacts and various aspects of the Zoo’s tourism infrastructure like, food and beverage outlets, accommodation, and the Function Centre