Will you take the challenge? Join us and get moving to help feed our animals.

It’s been a tough year for many of us, and Taronga is no exception. The health and wellbeing of our animals is our number 1 priority. Recent external factors such as droughts, bushfires and COVID-19 have seen the cost of food for our animals increase by up to 30%.
Did you know that it costs us around $35,000 a week to feed our animals in our two Zoos?
That’s why we are asking you to join our virtual marathon and Run Wild for Taronga to support the care and feeding of Taronga’s animals.
It’s simple, for just $15 (or 50 cents a day) we’ll challenge you to move, swim, walk, jog or stretch every day through the month of June! Complete km’s of travel and you’ll unlock special badges and exclusive content from our scientists and keepers about our conservation work. What’s more, by completing the challenge you’ll be directly helping feed and care for your favourite animals!
Get moving to help Taronga and Run for the Wild.
Visit www.runwildfortaronga.com to find out more.