Makeba and Zuri heading west

Makeba and Zuri heading west

Posted on 28th September 2018 by Media Relations

In late October, African Lions Makeba and Zuri will be heading west to Perth Zoo where they will take up residency with the aim to commence a breeding program there in the future. Makeba and Zuri are now three years old and were the first Lion cubs to be born at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in 2015. Visitors would know Makeba and Zuri as the pair that is always separate from the main Lion pride. They like spending time together and a separate from the pride due to the fact they are related to the males in this group. Makeba is the more dominant of the two and according to her keepers has a little bit of attitude. She likes to act like the tough kid on the block. Whereas Zuri is more sensitive and is more approachable often interacting with keepers when they are around. Keepers will very much miss Makeba and Zuri but look forward to hearing the news in the future about the commencement of a breeding program at Perth Zoo and hopefully the birth of Lion cubs! Taronga Western Plains Zoo will also welcome three new Lions to the Pride lands precinct early next year.
