Science Week 2023

Science Week 2023

Innovation in Conservation

Taronga invite you to participate in our Innovation in Conservation STEM Design Challenge.

Regent honeyeaters are a critically endangered bird species who are part of Taronga's breed for release program. As part of this release, a small harness with a tracking device is attached to the bird so their movement and success in the wild can be monitored. These harnesses and tracking devices have varying levels of success and the scientists at Taronga are always open to different ideas. Taronga's Education team would like students to be involved with this design process and welcome students from across NSW to contribute their ideas. 

Regent Honeyeater, Photo: Alex Pike
Regent Honeyeater, Photo: Alex Pike

To participate in the project, students need to download a copy of the STEM design booklet to get the dimensions of the regent honeyeater. They will be required to use their math skills to scale the size of a regent honey eater to a plush toy/figure of their choice and design a harness that can hold the tracking device.

When complete, teachers are encouraged to choose their best designs, take four photos of the plush toy/figure and harness (front, back, top, side) and to upload their project by clicking the button below.

Entries close Monday August 21.

For more information contact






Regent Honeyeater Conservation Scientist

Behavioural Biologist Video

Regent Honeyeater Keeper Video